Lovers Once But Strangers Now

Lovers Once but Strangers Now
Lovers Once but Strangers Now

Young lawyer Randolph Merrick loves Beatrice Reamer, the daughter of an aged inventor. When he suddenly falls victim to a robbery his friend convinces him to flee the country to avoid scandal and embarrassment.

Written by Laura Jean Libbey (1862–1824) and copyright 1890 by Laura Jean Libbey.

20 Chapters, with preface by the author. 38,800 words.

Lovers Once, But Strangers Now for Kindle at Amazon

Paperback edition, 100 pages.

Lovers Once But Strangers Now Paperback
Lovers Once But Strangers Now Paperback

Lovers Once, But Strangers Now paperback at Amazon

ISBN-10: 195215300X

ISBN-13: 978-1952153006